get_wq_locations_list() returns a dataframe of discrete stations in the current tenant, as well as their associated metadata. The number of rows in the dataframe will be equal to the number of unique combinations of discrete monitoring locations and media types found at each location.



A long-format dataframe of water quality data containing the following columns:

  • Id - TODO: Add description.

  • Location - The primary aliases of discrete monitoring locations in the tenant.

  • Latitude - The latitudinal locations of discrete monitoring stations in the tenant, given in decimal degrees.

  • Longitude - The longitudinal locations of discrete monitoring stations in the tenant, given in decimal degrees.

  • LocationType - The survey types associated with the discrete monitoring location.

  • Description - TODO: Add description.

  • AvailableMediaType - The sample media associated with the discrete monitoring locations.

Important events and metadata about calls of get_wq_report_data() are documented by the EnviroDataR logger in the log file edr_logs.txt. More information about the EnviroDataR logger can be found in vignette("envirodatar_request_logger").


# Assign the return value of `get_wq_locations_list()` to a variable to
# obtain additional useful information for use in other EnviroDataR functions.
discrete_station_data <- get_wq_locations_list()